Sunday, September 16, 2012

(# 232) Roasted Chicken, galaxy bento

Hello my bento pals,
I hope you are all having a great weekend.

We went to Anacortes today and stopped by the farmers market on the way home, I got some rainbow carrots, cauliflower, sweet corn, blue berries and so on and so on, what FUN!

For tomorrow's bento I prepared some leftovers roasted chicken, some sauted potatoes and sweet peppers, sweet corn, rainbow carrots (too bad the color isn't showing :( ...) but they are orange, yellow and purple.

I realized everything was too pale in colors so I put some Italian parsley. Was thinking on steaming some broccoli but I do not want to waste, so it is what it is :P
I also made a star, moon, space ship and some other galaxy stuff from cheese, I hope it won't be melted by lunch time :D
There are also some blue berries packed separately, and some yoghurt for snack time.


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