Thursday, February 7, 2013

(# 264) Smoked salmon sandwich heart bento

Still trying to make heart theme bento this month :P
I only prepared one bento and this is only for big son! my 2nd son doesn't like sandwich, the only sandwich he can have is PB&J, I am not sure if I should be happy or sad about it, ya'll know it could be a hassle sometimes.

Anyway, I did not do much to this bento, I just put some flowered carrot on top of it, snug some purple carrot and yellow sweet pepper on the sides. I also wrapped the sandwiches into single serves so it wont be messy when he eat it.

Okay, I don't know if this would be too cheese for him but I knotted the box with those red heart ribbons ... LOL ...


Bentobird said...

Love the sweetly detailed sammie and that wonderful woven bento box!

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